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ARC UP can help you develop your project

If you have a question, an idea, or would like to have a conversation about a future project, exhibition or event for your community, organisation, family or neighbourhood, please get in touch.

We come into projects as facilitators and friends with the knowledge, equipment and experience to help you create a project that truly reflects your values and mission.


We can help at any stage of the process:

Workshopping, concept refinement and ideation

Project design

Developing a narrative

Oral history recording

Digital story development


Evaluation Planning


We can also present lectures and workshops on:

Critical oral history


How to critically interpret quantitative data, policy and

government/NGO reports

Theory of representation

Designing a small project for social impact

Project evaluation

Critical media studies, visual sociology and social enterprise

Some example project ideas include:

  • Recipe books

  • Film documentaries

  • Audio documentaries for radio and podcasts

  • Biographical Books 

  • Digital compilations made from a combination of archived family footage, photography, trinkets and memory. • Exhibitions

  • Audio/Visual presentations for celebrations 

  • Documentaries

  • Picture story books for children

  • Annotated photo albums

  • Coffee table book of quotes, sayings, wisdoms

  • Works on paper, including written stories, poetry, paintings and drawings.


Please get in touch with us using the below form.


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